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Kundalini Activation: A Sacred Transmission

Kundalini Activation is a profound journey into the depths of your being, facilitated by the sacred transmission of pure life-force energy that awakens your deepest potential. This experience flows naturally, initiating transformation at the core level. Unlike Kundalini Yoga or Breath-work, this process is a gentle surrender, a deep remembrance that transcends effort or self-driven practice. It's a divine alignment uniquely tailored to your needs, designed to unlock your true essence and potential. The Foundation: We are all energy. Every second, our bodies are bustling with activity—from the synapses sparking in our brains to the electrical charges pulsating through our hearts that keep our blood flowing. This invisible yet vital life energy permeates every cell within us. It's the essence that fuels everyone. Self-Care: My work is deeply rooted in the path of self-care. It emphasizes the pure appreciation, love, and acceptance of oneself. Embracing all aspects of who you are is foundational to my approach. Action: Many are drawn to this work out of a desire to enhance their well-being, seeking understanding, clarity, awareness, and a deeper connection to themselves and others. This transformative journey not only highlights the changes needed for personal growth but also demands active participation. If you're not ready to make changes in your life, attending online sessions or a retreat might only intensify feelings of discomfort rather than alleviate them. True transformation requires an openness to evolve and adapt across every facet of your existence. Change must occur on all levels—mental, emotional, and physical—to maintain alignment. While humans excel at recognizing necessary changes, we often struggle to integrate these changes into our daily lives. Awareness alone is not enough; actionable steps are essential. Your decisions and actions must line up with whatever it is your inner work has made you aware of. NOT RESISTING MAKING A NECESSARY CHANGE If you are committed to this inner work, it is going to point to necessary or possibly difficult changes you need to make. If you don't want to or are not willing to make a change, This work isn't for you.


How you can work with me


In Person

I offer powerful In-Person Small Group Healing experiences in Los Barriles, Baja, Mexico. To book your spot, email me for next available session Join me for a transformative 2-hour Kundalini Activation Healing Ceremony. This sacred transmission a pure life-force energy and combines breath-work, bodywork, and sound healing in a trauma-informed setting. Unlike Kundalini Yoga or traditional breath-work, this ceremony offers a divine, guided process tailored to your unique needs. It's a journey of surrender and remembrance. After the ceremony, we will have a sharing circle to help ground and integrate your healing experience. Please note that bookings are non-refundable. Investment is 40$ USD Prepare for Your Session: - Arrive a 5-10 minutes early to settle in. - Avoid coffee for at least 4 hours before the transmission. - Refrain from alcohol or stimulating substances for 24 hours prior. - Eat lightly or on an empty stomach; avoid eating 2 hours before the session. - Wear comfortable clothes. - Come with an open mind and heart. As your facilitator, I work with the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of your being by engaging with your energy body. This healing addresses programming, conditioning, limiting beliefs, faulty perceptions, traumas, shields, and armor that prevent you from experiencing your true essence and fullest potential. Your role is simply to be present, allow the energy to flow, surrender to the process, and remain open to a new experience without expectations.



In the realm of energy healing, distance is irrelevant. As your facilitator, I guide this powerful life-force energy remotely, ensuring you receive the same intense and effective experience as in-person sessions. In the quantum field, time and space dissolve, allowing us to connect and work deeply with your energy body from anywhere. This approach addresses your mental, physical, and emotional aspects, making online healing as potent as hands-on methods. Allow 2 hours for your session and the investment is $40 USD Please note that these sessions are non-refundable. Preparing for Your Online Session Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet, comfortable spot where you can fully engage with the experience. Embrace the Flow: Be open to the energy, letting it move through you effortlessly. Surrender Fully: Release any expectations and allow the session to unfold naturally. Stay Receptive: Approach the session with an open heart and mind, ready to receive and integrate the healing energy. Book Your Session Please visit: Important Note: Sensitivity to this energy varies for everyone. Factors like programming, conditioning, limiting beliefs, traumas, and emotional barriers can influence how we experience our true essence. These sessions help dismantle these blocks, allowing you to access your fullest potential and true self.


Private Session

To book your private session with me, send an email to Privates are 175 USD



Upcoming Retreats November 2024 - Baja, Mexico December 2024 - Baja, Mexico May 2025 - Marrakech, Morocco August 2025 - Ubud, Indonesia

Heal with Me

Click the link below to book your session

Desert Dunes

WHAT IS KUNDALINI? Life-force energy, the foundation of all existence, flows through every living being, animating our bodies and shaping our very essence. ​ Known by various ancient terms such as Kundalini, Chi, Prana, Shakti, Qi, or Divine force, it represents the fundamental energy that defines who we are and what we embody. In fact, all matter in the vast universe is fundamentally composed of this universal energy. Although intangible and invisible, life-force energy permeates our beings, propelling us through each moment of our lives. It orchestrates our physical movements, governs biochemical processes, and underlies the intricate interplay of conscious and unconscious bodily functions—our breath, digestion, blood flow, elimination, cellular growth, and healing. The distribution and vitality of life-force energy within us depend on the quality and capacity of our nadis, the energy channels, and the chakras, the energy centres of our being. As this energy flows, it dynamically influences the quality of our thoughts, emotions, and consciousness, shaping our overall well-being and state of health. Enter Kundalini—the pinnacle of our life-force energy in its purest, most potent form. Kundalini embodies the highest potential of our life-force energy, representing the coiled serpent at the base of our spine. When awakened and harnessed, Kundalini unleashes an extraordinary force that surges through our entire being, enabling profound healing, spiritual growth, and expanded consciousness. Deborah delves into the depths of this sacred life-force energy, unlocking its transformative power. She facilitates the awakening and harmonious flow of Kundalini energy through an integrated approach to energy healing, which encompasses trauma-informed techniques, integrative somatic therapies, breath-work, sound healing, bodywork, movement, and nervous system regulation.

WHAT CAN I EXPECT? The experiences during a Kundalini Activation session can vary greatly from person to person, and there is no right or wrong way to go through the healing process. Physical Experiences: During a session, you may encounter a range of physical manifestations as the inner energy moves and releases. Each person heals uniquely and at their own pace. It's essential to approach the session with an open mind and be willing to feel whatever comes up. Throughout the session, the energy may manifest and release in various ways. One common experience is spontaneous movements or kriyas. These movements are involuntary and non-intentional, taking the form of trembling, quivering, or jolting sensations in the body. Kriyas occur due to increased millivoltage discharging along the motor neurons and muscle fibers, leading to spontaneous twitches or vibrations, which can cause the body to move. Kriyas are the body's way of releasing stagnant or blocked energy and emotions, clearing the path for a lighter state of being. These temporary experiences arise as the neural networks, endocrine system, and meridian networks adapt and integrate the amplified signals associated with the awakening of Kundalini energy. Approach these experiences with curiosity and surrender, allowing the body and energy to find their natural balance and integration. Each session is a unique opportunity for the neural, endocrine, and energetic systems to harmonize, facilitating a deeper sense of well-being and alignment.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Engaging in this profound healing work brings transformative benefits across all dimensions of your being—energetic, physical, emotional, and spiritual. As you embark on this journey, you can expect to experience: - Unblocking: Clearing and purifying energetic, physical, and emotional blockages to allow your vital life force energy to flow freely and unobstructed. - Repatterning: Releasing ancestral patterns and transgenerational inheritance that no longer serve your highest good, enabling you to break free from outdated patterns. - Intuition: Shifting into higher levels of consciousness and vibration, expanding your awareness and deepening your connection to universal energies. - Relief: Easing body tension and alleviating past injuries, leading to pain relief and improved physical well-being. - Habitual Shift: Naturally moving away from low-frequency foods, habits, people, and environments that hinder your well-being, fostering healthier choices. - Breakthroughs: Uncovering and dismantling conditioned mental, emotional, social, and cultural limitations, allowing you to embrace your unique individuality and break free from societal constraints. - Self-Love: Cultivating greater harmony within yourself, promoting self-acceptance, self-love, and inner peace. - Releasing: Letting go of limiting beliefs to empower yourself to live authentically and realize your true potential. - Optimisation: Boosting energy levels, leaving you feeling revitalized, alive, and invigorated. - Freedom: Gaining inner tools to shift out of lower vibrational states, providing a pathway to healing, wholeness, and a higher frequency of being. - Inner Calm: Experiencing calming effects that enhance mental clarity and foster a sense of inner harmony. - Recovery: Rebalancing and supporting all systems within the physical body, including endocrine, muscular, lymphatic, urinary, respiratory, digestive, integumentary, reproductive, skeletal, cardiovascular, and nervous systems for optimal health. - Authenticity: Realigning with your true self and purpose, reconnecting with your authentic essence and aligning with your life’s calling. - Empowerment: Facilitating emotional release, breakthroughs, and the completion of trauma cycles, leading to profound healing and emotional freedom. Engage with this transformative frequency to support your overall well-being, facilitating a comprehensive restoration of your mind, body, and spirit. Embrace this journey to unlock boundless potential for healing, growth, and alignment with your true essence.

My personal message to YOU

You have been divinely guided here, there are no mistakes and I want to take a moment to hold you in this space. Everything you have been through — the heartbreak, loss, anger, shame, and guilt — can begin to dissipate. Life brings us challenging moments that shape us and often lead to profound growth. As we face these difficult spaces, including the parts of ourselves we have buried or kept hidden, we start to shift our energy systems and revive our lives.
Slowly but surely, we come home to ourselves, reconnecting with the Earth and all that surrounds us — nature, people, and places. Whatever you are experiencing right now, know that you are seen, loved, and understood here. Healing happens by moving through these moments, and there is always an open door for you in this space. I am you. I am here. We are one.

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